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User Guide

Next you can consult the User Guide, although if you prefer it you can download the User Guide of the PORTIONS framework in pdf format (103KB approximately).


Specification of the application's controller


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<portlet-app xmlns="http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/portlet/portlet-app_1_0.xsd"
            Sample portlet description
            Sample Portlet
            <title>Sample Portlet</title>
            <keywords>List of keywords</keywords>

Configuration of the controller


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
        <form-bean name="sampleForm"
                type="net.sf.portions.sample.form.SamplePortletForm" />
        <forward name="success"
        <forward name="failure"
        <action name="step1"
            <forward name="success"
        <action name="step2"
            <forward name="success"
    <message-resources parameter="resources.ApplicationResources" />
    <plug-in className="net.sf.portions.validator.ValidatorPlugIn">
        <set-property property="pathnames" value="/WEB-INF/validation.xml"/>

In the portlet-config.xml configuration file there are five different sections:

The PortletController and ConfigHelper classes

The controller, in the MVC pattern, has to process the request and to create any bean/object used by the JSP pages, and it has to decide, depending on the user actions, the JSP page to which the output must be redirected. Those tasks, in the PORTIONS framework, are done by the PortletController class.

The ConfigHelper class allows you to get the configuration data of the application that are indicated through the "portlet-config.xml" file.


Log of the class


It performs the initialization tasks of the controller, which includes to realize a call to the init method of the ConfigHelper class to load the configuration data of the /WEB-INF/portlet-config.xml file.

doView(Forward, RenderRequest, RenderResponse)

It renders the portlet's view mode.

doEdit(Forward, RenderRequest, RenderResponse)

It renders the portlet's edit mode.

doHelp(Forward, RenderRequest, RenderResponse)

It renders the portlet's help mode.

processAction(ActionRequest, ActionResponse)

It process the portlet's action request.


It allows to get the actual forward to which the controller must give the control.


It loads the configuration data from the URL to the portlet-config.xml file.


It returns the configuration data of the action whose name has been passed as a parameter.


It returns the value of the type property of the action whose name has been passed as a parameter.


It returns the value of the input property of the action whose name has been passed as a parameter.


It returns the value of the content property of the action whose name has been passed as a parameter.


It returns the value of the scope property of the action whose name has been passed as a parameter.


It returns the value of the formName property of the action whose name has been passed as a parameter.


It returns the value of the parameter property of the action whose name has been passed as a parameter.


It returns an instance of the class Map which contains the forwards associated to the action whose name has been passed as a parameter.

getForward(String, String, String):Forward

It returns the configuration data of the forward identified with the given parameters.

getForwardPath(String, String, String):String

It returns the value of the path property of the forward identified with the given parameters.

getForwardContent(String, String, String):String

It returns the value of the content property of the forward identified with the given parameters.


It returns the configuration data of the form whose name has been passed as a parameter.


It returns the value of the type property of the form whose name has been passed as a parameter.

getDefaultForward(String, String):Forward

It returns de configuration data of a global forward identified with the given parameters.

getDefaultForwardPath(String, String):String

It returns the value of the path property of a global forward identified with the given parameters.

getDefaultForwardContent(String, String):String

It returns the value of the content property of a global forward identified with the given parameters.


It returns the configuration data that contains the path to the MessageResources file.


It returns a list with the names of the configurated plug-ins.

getPluginParam(String, String):String

It returns the value of the parameter of the plug-in identified with the given parameters.

Actions hierarchy

Next, a Class Diagram that represents the Actions hierarchy given by the PORTIONS framework is showed:

Illustration 1. Actions hierarchy of the PORTIONS framework

- Illustration 1. Actions hierarchy of the PORTIONS framework -


Top hierarchy class for the Actions given by the PORTIONS framework. It is an abstract class that gives the basic functionality that may use the Actions.


Log of the class.

execute(Action , PortletForm , PortletRequest , PortletResponse):Forward

Abstract method that concrete Actions must rewrite to execute their tasks.

This method will be called by the application controller.

findForward(Action , String , String ): Forward

It allows to get the forward to which the application flow will be redirected.

The default implementation takes the forward of the instance of the Action class that is given as a parameter, and if it does not exist, looks for a global forward.

The subclasses can rewrite this method.


Abstract class that represents an extension of the PortletAction. It implements the following State Machine:

Illustration 2. State Machine of the ExtendedPortletAction class

- Illustration 2. State Machine of the ExtendedPortletAction class -


Instance of the net.sf.portions.controller.configuration.Action class with the configuration data of the action.


Instance of the net.sf.portions.form.PortletForm class that optionally (it depends on the configuration) can contains the parameters of the request.


The actual request (instance of the javax.portlet.PortletRequest class).


The generated response (instance of the javax.portlet.PortletResponse class).


It verifies the preconditions that the Action must fulfill.

If the preconditions are not fulfilled a message must be created. This creation of the message will redirect the execution flow to an error page as the method findFailure() will be invoked.


It executes the business logic of the Action.

This method must be rewrited por those Actions that extend the ExtendedPortletAction class.


It verifies the postconditions that the Action must fulfill.

If the postconditions are not fulfilled a message must be created. This creation of the message will redirect the execution flow to an error page as the method findFailure() will be invoked.


It retutns an instance of the Forward class that redirects to an error page.

The default implementation will get the "failure" Forward of the corresponding mode (view, edit or help).


It retutns an instance of the Forward class that redirects to a success page.

The default implementation will get the "success" Forward of the corresponding mode (view, edit or help).


It must catch any exception thrown during the execution of the business logic of the Action.

The default implementation throws an ExecuteActionException which message is the message of the catched exception.


It verifies the existence of an attribute in some of the portlet's possible scopes (request or session). If the attribute exists, the execution flow will be passed to the "success" forward and, it it does not exist, to the "failure" one.

In the "parameter" property of the corresponding <action-mapping> it will be indicated the scope and the name of the attribute to look for. They will be separated by a ";" (semicolon):


If to look for the attribute in any of the possible scopes is wanted, a "*" (asterisk) must be used:


It removes an attribute in some of the portlet's possible scopes (request or session). If the attribute exists and can be removed, the execution flow will be passed to the "success" forward and, if it does not exist or it can not be removed, to the "failure" one.

In the "parameter" property of the corresponding <action-mapping> it will be indicated the scope and the name of the attribute to remove. They will be separated by a ";" (semicolon):


If to remove the attribute in any of the possible scopes is wanted (the attribute will only be removed from the first scope in which it will be finded), a "*" (asterisk) must be used:


It allows going from a JSP page to another by following the normal flow of the architecture (The JSP Model 2 Architecture for the JSR-168 portlets). To perform it, it is only necessary to configurate the corresponding <action-mapping> with a "success" forward to the destination JSP page.


The "Forms" are javaBeans that optionally can be associated to a request. If it is configured in the portlet-config.xml configuration file, this bean will have its properties initiated with the corresponding parameters of the request before the associated Action to this request will be executed.


Top hierarchy class for the Forms given by the PORTIONS framework. It is an abstract class with the basic functionality that will be used by the Forms.


Log of the class.


It does the validations of the data loaded in its properties.

Right now it is not used by the controller, its use is not recommended.


It resets the value of the properties of the Form.


It sets the value of the properties of the actual instance with the data contained in a ValueObject.


It returns a ValueObject loaded with the data of the actual instance.

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"portions" tag library


<portions:messages>: it shows the messages generated by the application (normally the messages will be validation errors, or errors produced during the execution).


Property to which the messages are associated. By default, all messages will be shown, without distinguishing the property to which they are associated.


Identifies the values of the header, prefix, suffix and footer to use while showing the messages. By default, they will be shown those corresponding to the "portions.messages.header", "portions.messages.prefix", "portions.messages.sufix" and "portions.messages.footer" keys of the MessageResources file. If an "id" is specified, to those keys it will be added a "." (point) followed by the id given.

<%@ taglib uri='http://java.sun.com/portlet' prefix='portlet'%>
<%@ taglib uri="/WEB-INF/tld/portions.tld" prefix="portions" %>
<portions:messages />

<portions:getResource>: it gets the value associated to a key in the MessageResources file.


key of the MessageResources file to get.

<%@ taglib uri='http://java.sun.com/portlet' prefix='portlet'%>
<%@ taglib uri="/WEB-INF/tld/portions.tld" prefix="portions" %>
<portions:getResource key="label.helloWorld" />

<portions:redirect>: perform a automatic redirection from a JSP to an action of the portlet.


Identify the values of the id, the value and the css class of the button of the form that will perform the redirection. By default, they will be shown those corresponding to the "portions.redirect.formId", "portions.redirect.submitValue" and "portions.redirect.submitClass" keys of the MessageResources file. If an "id" is specified, to those keys it will be added a "." (point) followed by the id given.


It indicates the name of the action to execute.


It says the portlet mode to show (help, edit or view).

<%@ taglib uri='http://java.sun.com/portlet' prefix='portlet'%>
<%@ taglib uri="/WEB-INF/tld/portions.tld" prefix="portions" %>
<portions:redirect action="confirmAction" mode="view" />

<portions:encodeURL>: it encodes the URL of a static resource (image, document, ...) included in the WAR file of the portlet.


url to encode.

<%@ taglib uri='http://java.sun.com/portlet' prefix='portlet'%>
<%@ taglib uri="/WEB-INF/tld/portions.tld" prefix="portions" %>
<img src="<portions:encodeURL url="img/sampleImage.gif" />" title="Sample image">

Form validation

PORTIONS framework includes a form validation system (based in the Commons Validator project) for which is necessary to define some validation rules and to map the form fields against those rules in one o some XML files (they use to be the validation-rules.xml and validation.xml files, or simply the validation.xml file).

Next, a validation.xml sample file is shown:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" ?>
<!DOCTYPE form-validation PUBLIC
        "-//Apache Software Foundation//DTD Commons Validator Rules Configuration 1.3.0//EN"

        <validator name="required"
                methodParams="java.lang.Object, org.apache.commons.validator.Field"

        <validator name="mustBeSelected"
                methodParams="java.lang.Object, org.apache.commons.validator.Field"

        <form name="patternForm">
            <field property="pattern" depends="required">
                <arg key="patterForm.patter"/>

        <form name="idForm">
            <field property="id" depends="mustBeSelected">
                <arg key="idForm.id"/>

In the example you can see how the validation rules and the mapping have been combined in a single file:

You can learn more about form validations in the Commons Validator Web siteEnlace externo.

Validators included in the PORTIONS framework

Class: net.sf.portions.validator.RequiredValidator

Method: validateRequired

It validates the existence of a field in the form and it also validates that this field is not empty.

Pagination Tables

To create pagination tables you can use the DisplayTag library (http://displaytag.sourceforge.net/Enlace externo). This library allows to create a HTML table with pagination and order capabilities being started off of a data collection using a set of personalized tags.

To be able to use the DisplayTag library with the PORTIONS framework, this last one includes some classes that must be configured in the displaytag.properties file as follow:


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Data Objects

ValueObject (Interface)

The PORTIONS framework gives the "ValueObject" interface that the data objects must implement (Value Object pattern). This interface defines the toXML() method that allows to get a description of the object in XML format.


To help with the implementation of the data objects, the PORTIONS framework includes the "BaseVO" class which implements the toXML() method defined in the ValueObject interface.

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Exceptions hierarchy

Next, a Class Diagram that represents the Exceptions hierarchy given by the PORTIONS framework is showed:

Illustration 3. Exceptions hierarchy of the PORTIONS framework

- Illustration 3. Exceptions hierarchy of the PORTIONS framework -


Top hierarchy class for the Exceptions given by the PORTIONS framework. It is a class that gives the basic functionality that may use the Exceptions of the framework.


The log of the class.


Constructor for the exception that gets as a parameter the description of the cause or the place where the exception has happened.

<<constructor>>PortionsBaseException(Class , String , String)

Constructor for the exception that gets as parameters the class where it is produced, the name of the method where where it is thrown and the description of the cause of the exception.

<<constructor>>PortionsBaseException(Exception, String, String)

Constructor for the exception that gets as parameters the original exception (it will be anidated), the place where the exception is thrown and the cause.


Writes debug information about the exception in the log.


Gives a XML representation of the exception.


Exception that must be thrown by an action if, while it is executed, an error or exception situation happened.

If an ExecuteActionException reachs the controller, this will show an error message in the log of the portlet.


Exception that must be thrown by a plug-in (class that implements the net.sf.portions.plugin.IPortletPlugIn interface) if, while it is executed, an error or exception situation happened.

The controller, when captures an exception of this type, will get the messages generated while the plug-in execution and will redirect the application flow to the JSP page indicated in the "input" parameter of the actual action.


The messages is used for notifying the user the cause of an error (by example the validation errors) or the especial situations produced while the Actions are executed.

The PORTIONS framework has different classes to treat the messages (and the tag <portions:messages> explained in the View section of this document):


Utility class that has some methods to perform common tasks being related with the messages generated by the application.

saveMessages(PortletRequest, PortletMessages)

Saves the messages given as parameters in the session context.


Takes the messages from the session context (and deletes them in this context) and saves them in the request context.


Returns 'true' if there are messages in the session context.


Class that represents a message generated by the application. It represents the key to a message included into the MessageResources file of the application, and optionally the values to replace the parameters {0}, {1}, ... {n} of the message.


Key of the message in the MessageResources file (available through the getKey():String method).


Replacement values for the message (available through the getValues():Object[] method).


Constructor of the message that receives as parameters the key of the MessageResources file.

<<constructor>>PortletMessage(String , Object[])

Constructor of the message that receives as parameters the key of the MessageResources file and the replacement values.


Returns the value of the key property.


Returns the value of the values property.


Messages collection that allows a hierarchical structuring of messages.


Name of the property to save the global messages (those which are not related with a particular property).


Constructor without parameters for the class.


Constructor for the class that adds to the new instance the messages that are contained in another instance given as a parameter.

add(String, PortletMessage)

Adds a message to the collection of messages associated to the given property (if the property is null or is empty, it will be added to the PortletMessages.GLOBAL_MESSAGE property).


Adds the messages contained in the instance given as a parameter to the actual collection of messages.


Deletes all the messages that the actual instance contains.


Returns 'true' if the collection of messages is empty.


Returns the collection of messages as an Iterator.


Returns the collection of messages associated to the specified property (if the property is null or is empty, it will be added to the PortletMessages.GLOBAL_MESSAGE property).


Returns an Iterator with the properties used to save the messages.


Returns the number of property-key pairs added.


Returns the number of messages associated to the specified property (if the property is null or is empty, it will be added to the PortletMessages.GLOBAL_MESSAGE property).

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